Thursday, March 22, 2012

Casa de Mi Padre Review

Introduction: Do you know what telenovela means? You don't! Well I'm here to enlighten youuuuuuuuuu. Telenovela is the mixture of television and novels. Get it? TELE-NOVEL-A??? Anyways, it's Spanish soap opera. And guess who decided to make a parody of it? Willlll Ferrell! Git it! He's white! Anyways, the movie is about a rancher named Armando whose brother, Raul, returns home with much fortune for the family's dying business as well as a beautiful fiance who Armando falls for. But a twist of events unravels their lives as drug lord Onza has come to kill Raul and take his fiance for his own. Dun dun dunnnnn! Let's get into what exactly makes up this film, shall we.

One Shot Conversations: You know those moments where two people are talking and then suddenly one of them turns their back towards the person and we get a nice one shot of both people facing the camera yet still having a conversation. This is a reoccurring joke in the movie and parodies telenovela quite nicely. I've seen some soap operas and know that this sh*t happens just as often there then it does here. They do quite hysterically when characters keep twisting around so we get the same shot from the other characters perspective.

Poor Budget: Do remember the movie Kung Pow: Enter the Fist? You do! Thank Gawd I don't have to explain it then. Remember how it's budget was so poor but they built on it and made it a plus for it and made it such a comedy? That's the same thing here. We have mechanical horses. Stuff animals in place of real ones. Mannequins appearing all over the place (ie dinner table, sex scene, wedding, in a conversation, etc). Editing. It's funny. It's the best joke of the movie.

Look! He's White!: The same joke from Kung Pow is used here for Will Ferrell. Except instead of a white guy amongst Asians, he's a white guy amongst Mexicans... The reason it's funny is because people keep making fun of him for this. Hell, their is a painting over a fireplace with the mother holding a VERY white baby and it's hysterical.

Drama: It's over the top.

Conclusion: The real flaw with this movie is that's long. Not 3 hour long type of long. But it's long for what is a SNL skit. And that sh*t's 10 minutes long! sure the jokes are funny but it overstays it's welcome a little bit. It's only 9 times longer then it needs to be. But as you can tell after reading this review the length is a small thing that won't really distract you from enjoying a funny movie. You'll sit down and have a good time. Even if you have to read the subtitles. But that shouldn't be a problem for you, right? You did just spend a good amount of time reading this review ;)