I don't know how to start these kind of interactions. I always get nervous approaching a new venture like yourself. I saw you from across the hall and you looked pretty cool. You're not like everybody else here. You're lighthearted, fun, and genuinely original. I miss meeting unique people. Plus look at your style! You look brand new yet I can see the influences from the past! That shows respect and I love that. Oh I'm sorry, my name is Ethan. Nice to meet you,
Pacific Rim.
Coming Together
I wonder if during the mind meld he gets to experience Aunt Flow's visits. |
I want to clear up something I'm sure a lot of people are on the fence about when thinking about seeing this film. It's not just giant robots punching giant monsters. This is Guillermo del Toro we're talking about! The man gave us
Pan's Labyrinth! The films substance lies in it's premise which is that after giant monsters showed up all the countries have decided to join hands in stopping these creatures by fighting fire with fire. The interesting part is that to pilot these mechas requires the teamwork between two people and in that we understand the film is about putting aside our differences and connecting; creating a bond through trust and respect that surpasses race, nationality, and gender.
Good Clean Fun
I have no caption for this image other than F*CK YES. |
And then all the giant brawling starts! It's f*cking awesome! You might think that watching Goliaths completely and utterly wreck an entire city might be depressing but it's not! The reason is actually rather simple; the city has been evacuated. One of the problems with the ending of
Man of Steel is that Superman totally destroyed multiple buildings and killed 1000's of people. This is of course right after the genocide of his entire species. Superman: Fun Sh*t.
Pacific Rim realized this and actually makes it so that you can enjoy the amazingly grande and epic robot vs. monster fights without the horror of knowing that our hero just killed innocent lives. The horror!
Paying Homage
So that's what a Kaiju's Vinegar Strokes looks like. |
The best part of this film and certainly it's central appeal is how it pays homage to classic Japanese cinema and anime such as
Neon Genesis Evangelion, and so much more. Even the giant monsters are referred to as Kaiju which is of course the Japanese term for giant monsters. The design of the mechas even call back to my childhood's memories of
Gundam and the like. I love movies that pay homage but are still able to stand on their own two feet. It acts as a reminder of the past when looking toward the future.
I have a sudden urge to watch Gurren Lagann... |
I do have one gripe with this film though; the characters are flatter than week old Coke. I do mean Coke the soda and not Coke the hard core drug. Do drugs even get flat? I do not endorse testing this! The message of unity also doesn't hit home as hard as it should. It should be much harder if it ever wants to show it's strength and insert it's substance in us. I hope the innuendo isn't too childish for you all, but who am I kidding? Everyone loves some childish fun every now and then! That's what's so great about
Pacific Rim! It doesn't bog itself down with being too pretentious but just being a fun blockbuster! Which brings me to my final statement; see this movie and support it for having the balls to be original in a sea of sequels (
Despicable Me 2), prequels (
Monsters University), reboots (
Man of Steel), and remakes (
Lone Ranger).Let us cancel the apocalypse!