Friday, April 12, 2013

Evil Dead Review

Introduction: The Evil Dead series is one of my personal favorite trilogies of all time. Not only does the protagonist have an arc from normal to lunatic to absolute bad-ass but so does the tone itself as it shifts from horror to comedy. That's amazing. When I heard they were remaking the original film I was both excited and apprehensive. Or is it a reboot? On Wikipedia it's listed as a reboot and f*ck you Wikipedia can be a reliable source. But it has so many similarities to the original. What the f*ck is this?

 Is it a Reboot?: So our story starts in modern times with a group of friends going to a cabin in the woods in order to rehabilitate their friend. It's an interesting concept but I have to ask...why? Why is this important to the story? Why is this here beyond "Look! I'm different!"? Simply put, it's pointless. The story isn't about a girl learning to get off drugs, it's about demons trying to troll a bunch of youngins and their crazy ways. New characters, new motivation, new time, etc. So it must be a reboot, right?

Is it a Remake?: But wait! There's more! While a reboot does start things from scratch a remake just does the same thing with a more modern take for those youthful youths who weren't alive during the 80s. F*cking youths. That's where things get strange as we watch this movie rehash things from The Evil Dead 1-2 such as cutting off a limb, an Oldsmobile, a necklace in the shape of a skull, and a lot of gore. Hell, I just kept thinking throughout the movie "Which one is Ash? Which is Ash?" even though it's a f*cking reboot without Ash. The problem with all this is that the original series was campy horror and while some elements of campiness can be seen in this film it is mainly gore and horror and because of that all of those campy scenes come off as weird.

Is it a Sequel?: But wait! There's more! The director/writer is quoted as saying that this movie is set 30 years after the first one at the same house with the same book and is also the reason why the Oldsmobile is still there. Wait, what the f*ck? So this movie is set in the same timeline as the original? I don't believe it *waits until after the credits and sees Bruce Campbell as Ash* Well sh*t. What are they going to call the next one? The Evil Dead 5? Evil Dead 2? Army of Darkness 2?

Conclusion: But wait! There's more! Oh, never mind, got caught up in the moment. As you can tell this movie's biggest issue is that it doesn't know what to be. Not only as a remake/reboot/sequel but also as a horror film. Either be a gory reboot or a campy remake! WHY THE F*CK WOULD THIS BE A SEQUEL?!?! If you like lots of gore though this is the movie for you because it has stuff like limb dismemberment, crowbar beatings, nail gun fun, self-mutilation, and my personal favorite; TREE RAPE. Yeah, probably just see it for that.